Sunday, December 11, 2011

stay strong

Posted by norzillawatie binti zahidin at 6:12 PM

hidup kena chill baru boleh panggil diri sendiri kuat
boleh menangis tapi jangan kuatkuat
orang lain tengok pun meluat

so i keep myself chill. be myself along the way i'm still alive
just stay strong and wait for the future
what would be happened to me

ape pun jadi dalam hidup kita terima seadanya
itu takdir. sekelip mata sahaja. kalau bukan kehendak kita
turuti saja kehendak Tuhan
Tuhan tak kejam tapi Tuhan sayang kita
he prepared something special for us
just pray, stay strong and wait

chill with friends, they love you.

believe me.



lagu saya

Celine Dion - The Power Of Love

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