Saturday, May 7, 2011

do think about others

Posted by norzillawatie binti zahidin at 2:12 AM

watever. aku meman jenis tak suke melayan maharaja lawak dari first season lagi. malas. malas. so tak payah suruh bukak. bukan ketinggalan zaman pun. ok. hye peeps. biasalah cuti2 ni nothing to do cakap banyak bebel kuat and sekarang rasa nak makan banyak2. lambat makan sikit dah macam kucing kelaparannnn.

kepada chorchor ngan yongyong kat luar sana. entry kali ini agak sadis sikit. sebagai mukadimah, pasal hidup, tak payah la nak bersenanglenang sangat.boleh la kalau ko org senang, but do think about others. kesian. yang berkais pagi sampai ke petang ntah makan ke tak. xpayah jauh2. dalam malaysia pun dah cukup banyak, agak2 kalau da besar sangat skop malaysia tuh, ce tengok dekat2 ngan korang. ppeh, kau sedap makan rotiBOY tapi orang lain dok makan ubi je.

tapi weh, kalau korang tengah susah, mintak tolong dengn Allah. bukannye nk merinitih menangis bagai. kalau korang rasa lagi susah, pikir sikit, ade je lagi org susah dari korang. betol. aku kalau down, tak kisahla pasai ape2 pon, aku pk ade je org lg susah dari aku.

if you think that u r unhappy
and how about this?

if you think your salary is not enough or low
and how about this?

and if you think that you have no friends at all
and how about this?

and if you feel that you have nothing, no transport to go anywhere
and how about them?

if you think that you are unlucky and you give up
and how about this?

and if you think that you are suffer on your life,
and how about him?

and you feel if everybody around you is selfish and unfair,
and how about her?

there is no such other words more than patient.
nangis da. do you???


to be continued..image


Salmiza S. said...

waa... bgus sgt entry kali neh.... bersemangat ase... tq zila... =)

Unknown said...


Berhati waja!


norzillawatie binti zahidin said...

sedih kan T__T

lagu saya

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